So I guess I'll start by telling you that I did have a final inspection a couple of weeks ago. Depending on whether you're a glass half full or empty person I'll tell you that I partially passed or is that failed but not completely. It also begs the question, if you have a final and didn't pass, meaning you have another final inspection, was the previous one really a final? Questioning minds want to know. Ok, now to be somewhat serious. So the inspector caught a couple of little items, one being that I forgot to have my backflow preventers certified. For those of you who want to know, I have a valve device on both my fire sprinkler and heating systems that keep the water in those systems from going back into the water supply lines, the previously mentioned backflow preventer. These have to be certified annually by an independent inspector to be working properly. Well, I forgot to have them tested before I called for the inspector. The other item he caught me on was I didn't return the stair handrails into the walls. So after having fixed both of those things I called back for the final inspection again. Same inspector, he walked in looked at those two things, signed the inspection form and said "enjoy". What's this all mean; the county has now given me permission to sleep in the house that I've been pretty much living in (just not sleeping in) for the last 2 years :)
Now to answer the question your all wondering, no I have not moved in yet. I figured I might as well finish the master bath off first, then I can live in style. So with that in mind I got busy putting up tile in the shower and toilet areas. As of today I have 2 of the 3 (or 6 depending on how you
count them) shower heads installed. This weekend I should have the rainfall head done, then its shower time! I also have to get the vanity put in place and the granite top in, that should be done next week. The other big mission in to get the carpet installed, then I can start moving in.
Other projects I've been working on is getting all the tile sealed. This was going great until I ran out of the sealer and nobody in the area seems to
have more. I ordered some on line but now I have to wait for it to show up. It really make the colors in the slate pop out.
Last but not least I've been doing a little retaining wall building. I'm not doing this so much to improve the yard but to work off the extra pounds I put on this winter!
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