First of all the second garage door is now in. This seals up the basement area and makes it about 2 degrees warmer than the rest of the house. Of course those of you who are living here in the PNW know that its been rather cold the last week so it really doesn't make a lot of difference when its 25 degrees out. However it does stop the wind from blowing through the house. I can usually get about an hours work done in before having to stand in front of the fire to warm up. Thank God the fireplace is working. I'm really pushing to get the wiring done and wrap up the other little projects because then I can insulate, yea!
Here is a picture of the house with all the snow on it. Kind of looks like it belongs in the mountains near a ski area, maybe that's where I'll build the next one!
My friend Eric keeps saying I should put Christmas light up on it. I have thought about it but I just don't want to spent the time to do that, I'd rather get the lights inside wired up, then do Christmas lights next year. Of course it will be fun to see how big of a tree I can get inside, my great room ceiling is 24' to the peak! Anyway, instead of putting lights up I just turned on all my work lights and took a picture at night.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I'll be spending most of my days off working on the house. Its OK though, I have my hat to keep me warm.
Handsome Shrek