Well, by now I was hoping to have my combination inspection done but things are just taking longer than expected. I also keep getting sidetracked on other projects that could wait but also need to be done.

I've continued on with the wiring. So far I've got the upstairs bedrooms and about 95% of the main floor done. I've started pulling wire into the basement living area. While there is a lot getting done it just isn't too exciting for pictures.
See what I mean.

One of the jobs I keep getting sidetracked with is putting up siding. I find it hard to work inside when its a nice day out. When I started the siding over the garage I realize I was going to have to rent some scaffolding again. Once again Craig's List to the rescue. I found a company getting rid of a bunch of their scaffolding. For about 3 months rent I was able to buy enough to go 3 frames high (18 feet) and 20 feet in length. Its super heavy duty shoring frames (designed to hold up buildings) but works great for me. When I'm done if anybody needs to borrow it let me know.

I also spent one evening putting the bathroom deck door in. I ordered it from Home Depot only to have it show up at the store put together the wrong way. It swung out to the right, not left, and they used interior hinges on it, and it was damaged. After waiting 2 more weeks it came in again, this time with the correct swing but still with the wrong hinges. Its an exterior swinging door so the hinges are on the outside and need to have non-removable pins. This time I took the door and am putting my own hinges on it instead of wait for another 2 weeks (and I figure another screw up). Now that corner of the house is locked up. At night it always seemed a little creepy with that door open and the coyotes howling. Now nothing can get in.
I also have started to install the garage doors. They came in a couple of days before the second back door. I should finish up getting the one in tonight and have the other in by the weekend if I

don't freeze first. Now all I need is the jam for the front door and I'll be able to lock the place up.
Hopefully over the Christmas holidays I'll get the wiring fished. Then its inspections time and if all goes well and I pass, time for insulation. Which would be great because its flippen' cold out there.