Well, mostly done. I left one window upstairs out to make it easier to get onto the roof. Its a lot easier to climb over the framing than over the window sill. Milgard also came out and glazed the sliding doors. Every thing went smooth except they didn't have enough material to finish the job so they had to come back a few days later. The house is getting much quieter and less drafty! Now I just have to get some doors so I can seal it up.
The great room windows were a bit of work. I did the first row of windows myself. The second row my neighbor Paul and his son Chris came over and helped out. The next day I had Paul, Steve, Anne and Matt helping out. Its a good thing as the
center two windows are rather tall and heavy. With all the help we were able to pass the windows up the scaffolding from level to level. Yes, its quite a ways up, 24 feet to the upper level of scaffold. That means I'm looking down from 30', good thing heights don't bother me (falling does).
Besides the above mentioned people, several of the other neighbors stopped by for the first time on Sunday. Norma, (Paul's mom and Chris's grandma) came down for a look. I got to thinking it must be interesting for her to have seen 3 generations of my family building their own homes next door! Her family has lived on the hill longer than mine.
Yesterday (Wednesday) I drove out to Montesano. For those of you who don't know where that is its just East of Aberdeen. At work I deal with a cedar mill located there. When I was talking to my contact there a year ago he told me he could give me a great deal on my siding. A
few weeks back I gave him a call and he got me a deal I couldn't refuse. Apparently some of their siding got wet back when we had the big floods. Because of this he cannot sell it as new so he was told to sell it cheap. The end result, I paid half of wholesale or about a third of what retail would be. YEA!! Its all in great shape but some of the boards have some silt on them that seem to wash off fine. He also gave me about 400 feet more that what I should need so I should be able to recoup a little extra $$$. Its not the biggest load I've had on the trailer but there is definitely a little weight there. For some perspective the lower board are 20 feet long and the upper 2 stacks are 16 footers.