The roofer finally finished the roofing last week. It looks great. I had him install a bunch of tie offs on the peaks so I can clip my safety line on when I have to get up there. Climbing up consists of getting onto the lower roof, either with a ladder or through one of the upstairs bedrooms, then putting a ladder from the lower peak to the higher peak. I had the tie offs installed so I can tie the ladder down to the roof and then clip my safety line on the upper roof before getting off the ladder.

I've taken a break from the plumbing to start installing windows. It should be a lot more pleasant to do plumbing without the wind blowing through the house. I started with the smallest one in the master bath, then moved onto the entry and powder room windows, and then onto the basement. The hardest part is putting the building wrap on as it seems to be windy every day. Steve came over on Sunday and helped me put the dining room slider in. Because its such a large door Milgard has to come out and put the glass in once all the sliders are in place.

Today (Monday) the fireplace company called to let me know that they would be out to install the fireplace. Before I could get back to the house the sales person called back to ask if I was going to be there. It seems they only sent 1 installer out. As the fireplace weighs in at 350 lbs he was going to need a little help getting in. I went home and we used the loader to lift it up onto the deck, then wheeled into the house. Having lived most my life with a large fireplace in the living room this one seems tiny by comparison (it only takes 20" logs). Unfortunately, due to Washington enviromental standards I didn't have a lot of choice in the matter. The nice thing is that it meets all the highest standards so I can use it pretty much anytime (read: no more burn ban BS). He didn't have all the parts yet, and has to have the chimney cover custom made so its not ready to use yet. But in about a week I should be able to get a little heat in the place and have window in so the heat stays in. Yea!!!!