So here begins the blog. Of course in reality this house building started long ago. I became a drafter because I knew that someday I would like to follow in my fathers footsteps and design and build my own house. I've been telling people that its in my blood; my father did it, Grandpa K built at least 4 homes that I know of, and I believe my Great grand father built his house also. So see, its in my genes!!
About 5 or 6 years ago I started to get serious about it. Mom said she would give me the adjacent 2-1/2 acre parcel if I wanted to build on it. So I started investigating what I would have to do to put a house on it. After visiting the county building department I hired some professionals to do some studies on the property (I'm leaving this vague so it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, if you want to know ask me!). The end result was that I could build (it just cost more of course).
The next step was to hire an architect. While I am a drafter I got to the point where I just couldn't answer some of the questions I was coming up with. So about $8000 later I had a set of plans with pretty much everything I wanted in a house.
Then it was off to the building department again. Of course nothing is simple when it comes to the government. They sent me off to get them some more details. One of the things I had to have done was a Geotech Assessment. This was needed because I'm building within 200 feet of a steep slope. Of course the fact that the hillside has not moved in 500 years means nothing the county needed me to spend another $800 for an expert to tell them that!! After getting all that info together and paying the county for permits (another $5500) I finally was ready to get started.
Of course there were a couple more delay one of which was Mom getting sick and passing away. Then there was the problem of trying to find a concrete contractor (everybody was just too busy). I finally ended up hiring a general to build the foundation and frame the box up. And that is where I'm at now. I hope you enjoy following my progress. If you would like to see what is going on in person give me a shout.
Last but not least I want to say thanks to a few. First off, to all of you that have wished me well and pushed me to get this thing started. Next too my friends who have come over and helped prep the site, hope you had fun with the destruction parties. Special thanks to Steve for all his help with some of the really crappy jobs and his support over the years. And the biggest thanks to my parents for giving me the property and the knowledge, skills and support to pull this off.
PS: for you who are confused about the Handsome Shrek stuff. When Shrek II came out a friend of mine noticed a striking resemblance between me and the human version of Shrek. Well, the name stuck and has taken on a life of its own. Nuff said!
Jerome or Shrek